Tuesday 8 March 2016

Poster analysis

The first TV series poster I am going to analyze is Season one, American Horror story. The genre of this poster is horror, indicated in the title, with elements of drama and thriller. The characters are exposed through a hole in the wall which reveals how the series is likely to contain sinister aspects; this is also an example of an enigma code as we question their location.

The dominant signifier on the poster is the three main protagonists who it is assumed are a family. Each of the characters has a direct mode of address and has serious facial expressions. The female character, who is standing, is wearing a red dress which has connotations of danger and passion: this leads the audience to assume that there is going to be a strong representation of femininity present in the text.

The title used is of a feminine font, coloured white which has connotations of purity and innocence. However, the text below ‘Starts tonight 10pm’ takes a different approach: it uses uppercase and is a masculine font which is coloured red: again symbolising danger. Due to the contrast between the two texts the audience may assume there is also a contrast between each characters storyline. On the bottom right-hand corner there is a 3D indication of what channel the TV series will be broadcasted on: this again contains the colour scheme red and white and the contrasting connotations of danger and purity.

At the top of the mise en scene there is text which informs the audience of the creators of the TV series: viewers who have previously enjoyed media such as Glee and Nip/Tuck may be persuaded to watch. It can be said that this information reveals the genre of the poster. 

The second example of a TV series poster I am going to analyse is ‘Suits.’ The genre of this poster is presumably a legal drama: the audience can assume this due to the dress code of the main protagonists who are wearing suits. The location of the two men appears to be a city where from our intertextual knowledge this genre is often present.

The dominant signifiers are clearly the two male characters who are also likely to be the main protagonists. Both have a direct mode of address and formal but relaxed facial expressions.
The colour scheme used on the TV poster is black, white and red. Each of these colours contrasts with each other: black having connotations of authority, elegance and formality whereas white symbolises purity, innocence and isolation. Red has the connotations of passion and danger in which the audience can assume each of these representations are present in the text.

The two protagonists have different dress codes: The man on the left is wearing red informal converse and a red tie which is misplaced whereas on the right the man is wearing black, polished office shoes and a buttoned blazer. The contrast between the two characters symbolises there is perhaps two sides to a story and the conflict between the characters.

The title used is written in a masculine red block font which is designed to portray how this TV series is aimed at men. The mise en scene also contains a slogan ‘Nothing’s ever black and white’ which is ironic as the poster uses these as the main colours. 

'Lie to me’ is another example of a TV series poster which contains elements of the genres drama, crime fiction and thriller. This is indicated in the title as well as the background images of human eyes and mouths which we can use to detect when someone is lying.

The dominant signifier on this TV poster is the man who is closest to the camera: due to his authoritative position the audience may assume he is also the main protagonist. Each of the characters present on the poster has a direct mode of address and has a relatively serious facial expression which indicates the formality of the series. Each of the characters on the poster has a formal dress code such as a suit and tie to show the audience the importance.

The poster is aimed at both women and men as there are characters from both genres which are represented as strong and powerful. The women on the poster may also be described as the male gaze who encourages men to watch as well as women who view them as role models.

The title uses the colours red and white which has conations of danger and passion and purity and innocence. As well as this, the poster contains the by-line ‘they’re undeceivable’ to represent how each character is free from illusion.   

Tuesday 1 March 2016

DVD design ideas

DVD analyis

The DVD cover I am analysing is season one, Orphan Black. The genre of this cover appears to be science fiction and perhaps with an element of mystery: I assume this as the dominant signifier is broken down into sections of different characters as if it is a puzzle. The main image on the front cover is made up by mostly using extreme close up shots of the characters face which have a direct mode of address. On the bottom left hand corner is a photograph of a character who looks shocked and questioning which may relate to the genre of the TV series. We are made aware that the genre of this TV series is also an action thriller which is stated in the synopsis: the photograph on the back is of a character wearing black, which has connotations of power and mystery, is attempting to run away or after someone.
The target audience for this TV Series is presumably aimed at middle aged women – the characters on the front are female which suggest that a feminine audience would be interested and find it easier to relate to. The actresses’ name, Tatiana Maslany, is displayed at the top of the DVD cover to inform the audience but also to encourage people to watch. The target audience will possibly be familiar with this actress and view her as a positive representation of women. Tatiana Maslany has featured in several other TV series which the target audience may be familiar with such as ‘The Vow’ and ‘The woman in gold.’
The text used on the front cover is white and turquoise.  The connotations are that these are colours that are linked to female characteristics such as innocence and jealously.  This is further reinforced with the choice of font which is thin, almost fragile but is in capitals which may connote the strength of the character.    The characters personalities may also reflect the style of the font: some of the women appear vulnerable and others strong and powerful.
The back cover displays several screenshots of scenes taken from the series which will help the audience to decide if they will proceed to watch Orphan Black. The bottom left screenshot displays a wall with a red question mark painted on it: red is an index of danger and this also represents the genre of mystery as we begin to question the purpose of this photograph. The young girl photographed on the bottom light is captured hiding behind a wall – this again reflects the genre of the series as mystery. The audience may also assume that Orphan Black contains scenes of romance as two screenshots portray an intimate scene.
In these screenshots there are many different representations of women which the TV series will likely explore. The top left image shows a woman who is behaving submissively: she is allowing the male character to guide her by placing his hand on her back to show his dominance. This is a contrast to the top right image of a female character who is wearing a black, leather bomber jacket who appears in control and rebellious. To the left hand side of this image is a scene of a woman who seems to be caring for a younger male character: she is placed in a domestic setting which is how women were traditionally viewed. The final representation of women showed on the back cover is a scene of a woman who is in love, however, it is important to notice she is the dominant figure which we know because of her position – she is closer and higher up to the camera angle.

The back of the DVD cover displays a quote which idolises the main actress Tatiana Maslany.  This is a quote by Entertainment Daily which is a popular website used by the target audience: this is therefore encouraging people to watch. Another selling point which the cover contains is the BBC logo to inform that the series will be played on this particular channel: BBC is a well-known and popular channel which will persuade the target audience to watch. This DVD cover also informs that it contains special features such as an interview with the main actress in which fans of her will be encouraged to watch.

The DVD cover I am analysing is season one, Orange is the new black. The genre of this DVD cover is a comedy-drama. The audience knows this as they are informed on the back cover that the creator of ‘Weeds’ has also produced this series. The target audience for Orange is the new black is adults aged eighteen to thirty: the content in the series is sexually explicit and contains adult humour. More specifically the TV series is aimed at women as the plot is based in a women’s prison and there are significantly more female characters. As well as this, people who are attracted to actresses such as Taylor Schilling may be encouraged to watch as she is the male gaze.
 The main protagonist is the character Piper Chapman who is also the dominant signifier: the prison uniform she is wearing represents that she is an outcast and isolated because she is new. The characters in the background are seen to be relaxed as their outfits are informal. The actress who plays Piper Chapman has a serious facial expression and a direct mode of address which is ironic as the series is humorous. It is apparent that the main protagonist contrasts against the colourless and dull background which reveals aspects of her personality and foreshadows the plot.
The text used on the front cover is coloured black and red which uses a distorted feminine font. The colour black is associated with power, elegance and formality whereas the colour red has connotations of danger and passion. The tagline uses a metaphor ‘every sentence is a story’ which implies that every character will be unique and have their own series of events.
On the back cover are several character profiles who feature in the first season: this is designed to introduce the audience to the characters and encourage them to watch as they contain aspects of comedy and the male gaze: for example, ‘crazy eyes.’ Above the screenshots of character profiles is a quotation taken from a trusted source ‘San Francisco Chronicle’ and therefore a mark of quality. This is a unique selling point as the audience are told this series is a ‘New definition of television excellence.’
On the bottom of the back cover is the technical information which informs the audience of the episode duration, the subtitles available and the year it was released. 

                 The TV Series DVD cover I am analysing is season two, Breaking Bad. The genre of the DVD cover contains elements of comedy and crime. This is portrayed by the two main protagonists as they are displaying a comical facial expression and their dress code is made up of unusual laboratory equipment. The dominant signifier on the right hand side is portrayed as the more authoritative figure as he is positioned closer to the camera. As well as this, he is holding a prop in the form of a gun which reveals the crime-thriller genre.
The target audience for the DVD cover Breaking Bad is aimed at young adults between the ages of eighteen to thirty as the mature content involving drug use and weapons would not appeal to children. More specifically, the DVD cover is aimed at men are there is a lack of female figures which would not entice female viewers.
The front cover contains several enigma codes which encourage the audience to question to direction of the prop and the location the characters are in. The font is made up of chemical element symbols which portrays the scientific theme of the show which is perhaps illegal science due to the use of the gun and deserted location. Following on from the element symbols the font is printed in curved white text which shows the cover is informal and relaxed. The front cover also contains a banner informing the audience of the 2009 Emmy Award given to Bryan Cranston who is the main protagonist.
On the back of the DVD cover is a positive quote taken from a trusted source ‘Matthew Gilbert, The Boston Globe’ which is a mark of quality as the audience may be familiar with this newspaper. There are several snapshots of the characters face in the form of a hexagon using a close up shot which will familiarise and introduce the audience to these.  The DVD cover also contains ‘bonus features’ a unique selling point which will encourage the audience to buy the TV series. 

Poster design ideas

Tuesday 19 January 2016

5th Draft Of Script


GRACE: A 17 year old college student who is a victim of bullying. She has long, wavy hazelnut brown hair and pale skin. She is of an average build and wears thick rimmed black glasses. She is sat across from her best friend JAMES who is also 17 and attends the same college.

She’s awesome.

GRACE places her phone on the table and reluctantly smiles at JAMES.

A look of frustration stretches along JAMES’ face.

You talking to her again?
You have absolutely no idea
who she is, that’s if she even   
is a she.

Why do you get so angry about
this? She’s the only person who            understands me. Listens to me.

(sighs, sarcastically.)
So I don’t listen to you do I?               Its dangerous speaking to  
someone online, anything could         happen. Even you must see that.

GRACE stands up, swinging her rucksack over her shoulders and snatches her phone off the table.

I’m sick of you getting involved!
(She lowers her voice)
You don’t know me like she does,
you don’t know what it’s like for
me to come here – everyday. It’s a
living hell and I’m sick of it.

JAMES glances at the floor, taking into consideration how bad the bullying is.
    Its alright for you. You’ve never
              had to put up with the things I have.

    I know you’re having a hard time...

(He pauses)

But I don’t like the sound of this
person. MissAnonymous13? That sounds
freaky enough already! You could be
speaking to anyone. Could be LEONIE        for all we know.

GRACE moves towards the table and slowly sits down beside JAMES. She stares at him for a couple of seconds, gathering her thoughts.

You’re jealous, aren’t you?
C’mon admit it.


He becomes quickly frustrated and defensive and his tone becomes louder.
Jealous of you speaking to some
creep online?

He mocks her by pretending to type on a keyboard.

If I’m really being honest it’s      
not like you’ve got many friends to              choose from anyway, you said it
yourself! I’m doing you a favour!

Excuse me?

GRACE stands up quickly, feeling hurt and attacked.

Being friends with you is a nightmare.
All you ever do is lock yourself away
its no wonder you’re so disliked. I’m      forced to listen to all your pathetic           problems and you never listen to mine.         I’m sick of defending you all the...

GRACE interrupts but JAMES continues.

You may as well leave now.
Run back to your stupid
Youtube Videos and your
Weirdo friend!

     I can’t believe you.

GRACE storms off; a pained expression stretches across her face as her cheeks become blushed and hot. She exits the coffee shop and heads towards the bus stop leaving JAMES sat alone. She reaches home and rushes to her room. She logs onto her laptop and receives a message from MissAnonymous13.


The scene switches to JAMES walking home, he has shrugged shoulders and a phone tightly grasped in his hands. His earphones are dangling as his listens to music to blur out reality. The camera is using a close up shot to display this characters emotion. A couple of streets from home JAMES passes a young girl who smiles: he quickly glances down and blinks quickly feeling uncomfortable and insecure.


GRACE and MissAnonymous chat online. GRACE is using the username PrettyYoung97. We focus on the screen and her fingers typing.

Hey girl. What’s up?

Hey! God am I glad to be speaking
to you. I’ve had the day from hell              and my so called ‘bestfriend’ has            been vile.

          Who? That looser JAMES? I’ve told you
          he isn’t the friend you think he is.
          You should just block him.

GRACE is oblivious to MissAnonymous13’s scheming and agrees.

         Yeah! He’s jealous because I’ve found
          someone who I can relate to other than                    him! He was sooo cruel to me and some                of the stuff he said – well, I’ve never                seen him like that.

          Urgh. He makes me sick. How can he make
     you feel like that? He enjoys making
you feel like you can’t have other
friends, he wants to control you and
that’s not right. I’ll never do that
to you. Anyway, enough of him!
How are you really?

     Not too good at the moment.          
     LEONIE is still making my life            
     hell and I don’t know how long I     
can cope with it. My family doesn’t        wanna know, my teachers don’t      
wanna know and now JAMES doesn’t
               wanna know.

Well I want to know you. Hey, I’ve
               just had the best idea hahaha.

GRACE relaxes in her chair, her eyes soaked into the comfort of the computer screen. She feels happy and comfortable.

You have to take control and stop
people from walking over you. You like
YouTube right?

Yeah, guess so.

 Well, do you remember last week? We
 spoke for hours about our dreams - 
 you said yours was to be a number one
               internet sensation, yeah? PRANK VS.
                PRANK. Have you any idea how many                         subscribers they have? You could do                        it! You could become famous then you’d                       be the one laughing at LEONIE.

GRACE freezes as she puzzles to understand how MissAnonymous13 knows this information. She has not told her internet friend about her dream of a career on the internet but nevertheless continues as normal as this may have been easy to guess.

I could do pranks? No way. I wouldn’t           know where to start and I’m not            funny, not to mention creative. What          would I do anyway? Put some gum on               her seat? Lame.

           No looser. That’s armature. I mean
               something insane. Something wicked.
           Be smart. Do something they won’t   
           expect. Something no one will expect.

 OK, well go on.

           How about if you was to find out    
                where they lived? Not hard.

 And if I did, then what?

           You need to go when it’s dark. Really    
           dark. Take photographs of her house
           and when she’s walking home. Tell her
               you’re coming for her.

 Are you crazy?! She’d kill me. She’d     
           come into college the next day and
           everything would be made worse. I        
           can’t do that to her: she frightens me.

           No, silly. How is she supposed to        
           know it’s you? You create a fake    
           profile and message her on that. Look    
           at you now, you’re talking to me and
           either of us can be whoever we want.
           When we talk we have a blank slate:      
           you don’t know who I am and I don’t
           know who you are. That’s the beauty      
           of it.

GRACE smiles and agrees with MissAnonymous13 but also considers the dangers and risks of messing with LEONIE.

 Hmm, I’m not sure. You have a            
 good point. I guess, well... I guess
                I’m just a little scared.

 C’mon, its a great idea. You have               too. If you don’t take control now            it will be too late and get worse,          you don’t want that do you? You                don’t want them to hurt other people            the same way they hurt you, do you?             What about your little sister? For               all we know she could be next.                     You have to do something girl.


It is early morning and the clouds that loom above are grey and eerie. GRACE heads towards the college doors to receive a smirk off LEONIE who is stood with a group of friends discussing their weekend plans.
LEONIE has shoulder length, glossy blonde hair and tanned skin. She has a slim build and is wearing a navy skater skirt with flat black shoes. Her face is thin and heavily coated with makeup.

What you lookin’ at?

Laughter erupts from the surrounding girls and GRACE looks at the ground and attempts to scurry away.

      Hey, she’s talkin’ to you. Where do
      you think you’re going?

FRIEND 1 grabs GRACE by the arm and pushes her so that she is trapped between the wall and the group of bullies.

           Ouch! Please...get off me, I wasn’t      
           lookin’ at nothin’. Let me go I’m   
           gonna be late.

GRACE shrugs herself free from the grip of LEONIE and attempts to move past. Her heart is pounding and her eyes begin to fill with tears.

   FRIEND 2:
Oh shut up you silly girl! Were            only messin’ with ya’. What you           crying for?

Hey! What you doing?! Get off her

JAMES approaches the group of girls and allows GRACE to scurry off. GRACE gives him a look of appreciation.


JAMES turns away and a look of disgust is painted across his face. He exits


GRACE’s mother, JANET, and father, KEVIN, are stood in the kitchen while JANET is preparing dinner. KEVIN approaches JANET and puts his arm around her shoulder.

I’m worried about GRACE y’know.
This is the third time her tutor
has rang me in the past month.
She keeps turning up late and when
she is there she can’t focus…

I know darling, but there all the         
               same. Girls that age are feelin’ all      
               over the place. She just needs some       
               time to herself.
That’s just it though – she is never      
          out of her room. She comes home from
          college and goes straight up there,  
          sometimes she doesn’t even say Hi.

JANET faces KEVIN and directs him a comforting smile to reassure him.

It’s not as bad as that.

   (He sighs)
Her grades have dropped so much      
since she started college, you                  can’t tell me there’s nothing wrong              with that. Maybe she’s got a             boyfriend or somethin’.

GRACE opens the front door and enters the house but her parents are oblivious to her entry. She can hear them discussing about her and decides to edge towards the door and listen.
Look I’m sick of it. We have two     
other children and she just seems                    to be the odd one out. She’s                  needlessly moody, failing at college      and she seems to enjoy making our               life difficult by hiding away and               playin’ on that stupid laptop. I’m              gonna take it off her until her              grades improve.

         Don’t you think you’re being a             
         little hasty… Confiscating her laptop
             isn’t gonna solve anyt-…

KEVIN interrupts.

          No, she’s a failure and I can’t just
          stand back and do nothing. What about
          Matthew? He’s so intelligent, I can’t
          believe that they are related.

GRACE storms into the kitchen, feeling furious and betrayed her cheeks are blemished. KEVIN and JANET turn around surprised and speculate whether GRACE has heard their conversation.

Hey, darling. I didn’t hear you…

Is that what you really think? Wow              thanks dad. If that’s how you feel           then I’m leaving right now, I…

          Don’t be stupid, I didn’t mean…I was
          just saying that... erm...

          I know exactly what you was saying,       
               I just can’t believe...

Her eyes begin fill with tears as she turns away and hurries upstairs. She reaches her bedroom and pulls a drawer of clothes out and takes a handful then throws them onto her bed. She sobs and glances at her phone screen. She takes out her laptop from under her bed and messages MissAnonymous13.


GRACE and MISSANONYMOUS13 are typing.

Hey! You won’t believe what just           happened. I came home to hear my
parents slagging me off, calling me       
a failure! My dad said he’s going to       take my laptop off me.

God that’s awful. Your own parents?
Anyway, did you set up that fake
account like I told you? I’m so excited,
this is gonna’ be such a great plan.

GRACE sulks into her chair feeling ignored.

Well, no. Not exactly. LEONIE shoved
me up against a wall today, she said I
was starin’ at her when I wasn’t. But,               you know what? JAMES came over, he told             them to get off me! He’s never done               that before, stuck up for me like                  that! I really hope me and him sort               things out soon.

You can’t keep putting it off, OK?
Do it tonight, do it now? Set up the
account. I’ve already told you, JAMES
is a pathetic loser, he’s jealous and      controlling and you can’t see that
because of how blind you are! Get a grip   girl and get rid while you still can.

GRACE feels hurt that her online friend is being spiteful towards her friend JAMES. She feels uncomfortable defending him as she knows that MissAnonymous13 is her only friend and someone that she cannot afford to lose.

Ok, I’ll do it now. Speak to
you later.

GRACE closes the chat and creates a new account. She uses the username ‘RightBehindYou_.’ Feeling agitated, hurt and wanting revenge she searches LEONIE and messages her.


I know who you are and I know             
what you did.

Seconds after sending the message GRACE slams her laptop shut to hear her mother edging up the stairs and knocking on her door before opening it at a small angle. GRACE, aware that her mother is there, ignores her appearance and stares at the end of her bed.

How you feeling darling? About                  before, Dad didn’t mean what he               said. He just cares a lot and he              doesn’t want you falling behind…
That’s all.

GRACE shrugs – her eyes still focused on the direction at the end of the bed.

          I can’t help if you don’t talk            
          to me, dear.

JANET walks slowly towards GRACE and perches on the end of the bed. She directs GRACE a soothing look and exhales deeply.
It’s not like you’ve ever helped       
me before! I’m sick of being              treated like second best. Just get
             out of my room mum.

JANET looks surprised but more hurt that her daughter has spoken to her in this way. She attempts again to comfort GRACE by placing her hand on her shoulder.

I told you! Get off and get out
my room! I don’t wanna’ ever talk
to you or dad again. I have all
the people I need and you’re

not one of them.