Tuesday 8 December 2015

Report On Questionaire

The majority of people who I asked which genre of the TV series they would prefer to watch said comedy and thriller. My drama TV series is going to be a psychological thriller; I don't feel that a comedy element would fit in the genre I've chosen.

Most of the people I issued the questionnaire to said that 45 minutes would be a suitable duration of the drama TV series. I agree with this therefore the duration of each episode will be 45 minutes long.

Nine out of ten people said that they would prefer the TV series to be on weekly - I am going to act on this feedback and broadcast my TV series every week. I feel that if the TV series was to be on daily, the six episodes would be too close together instead of being spread out over a few weeks.

Everyone who completed the questionnaire said that 9pm would be the optimum time of day for the TV series to be on. I gave people the option of 12pm, 3pm, 9pm and 11pm but as the TV series is designed to be suitable for only certain audiences 12pm and 3pm would be too early. Also, with the TV series designed to be a psychological thriller later on in the evening would help set the atmosphere.

The fifth question I asked was to score the storyline out of ten by how effective it is. The answers I received ranged from seven to eight. I think this is a good score but there is room for improvement and I am going to carefully consider the ending.

I asked people what are they most likely to watch on Youtube, this is very relevant to my storyline as the character Grace seeks her escape by watching Youtubers. The answers I received included: music videos, TV series and educational videos. Although none of the answers I was given included pranks or famous Youtubers, I feel that I am going to continue with my original idea.

Question eight asked people who should the target audience should be aimed at, the majority of people said teenagers and adults. I think this is a good idea as younger people can relate more to this storyline with the bullying and technology.

I had a range of answers of what Grace's anonymous online friend should be called, however, the majority of people agreed on 'MissAnonymous13' and 'Prettyoung13'. I am going to continue with my original idea and call the online friend 'MissAnonymous13' as I believe this name fits the best.

After asking ten people what the TV series should be called I have decided on 'MissAnonymous13'. Some people claimed that 'Twisted' was a preferable name but as Grace's online friend is called this I feel it is most suitable.

The final question in my questionnaire was how should the TV series end: everyone I asked said that they would like the ending to consist of a cliff-hanger or with a twist. I am going to take into account this feedback and end the TV series with a twist in episode five and a cliff-hanger at the final ending.

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