Tuesday 3 November 2015

Episode Breakdown

Episode Breakdown
Six part drama series.
Plot: Grace, a seventeen year old college student, has been a victim of bullying from her classmates throughout her time at high school and now college. She is isolated and teased by her classmates and ignored by her family. She feels second best to her older brother who has recently graduated from university and her nine year old sister. She spends her spare time watching youtubers’ who perform pranks and have millions of subscribers. Grace meets someone online using the username 'MissAnonymous13' and confides in her. She wants to impress her and creates her own youtube account to post comical pranks to gain popularity and recognition from people at school and the internet. 
When grace firstly starts the channel, she performs the pranks on people at home such as her younger sister Gabriella. Somebody at college finds her account and sends the video around to the others and the bullying worsens as she is humiliated every day. This pushes Grace to extreme measures to become popular and she begins to make a list of the students in her college who have constantly victimised her and makes it her mission to figure out where they live. She begins to stalk them in the evening and takes pictures of them and posts them on an anonymous website. In the final episode, Grace attacks one of the female students and stabs them from behind, recording the footage that she later posts online.

Each episode will have duration of 45 minutes.

Episode one

This episode introduces the main characters and shows how Graces home life is miserable as her parents favor her two siblings. Her older brother Matthew has recently graduated from university after studying a medicine course – he is therefore idolized by his parents because of his intelligence. Graces younger sister, Gabriella, is also especially intelligent for her age. The less fortunate middle child struggles academically and despite her cries for help for being bullied her parents shun her. Grace is also isolated and bullied by her classmates as she struggles to fit into social groups. This episode also explores Graces way of escape – the internet. She uses the internet to watch famous youtubers’ post pranks that gain millions of likes and subscribers.

Episode two

At the start of this episode, Grace returns home from college after being teased yet again by her classmates. She has received numerous comments on her face book pictures calling her vicious names and text messages from unknown numbers. Upset and angry, Grace rushes to her room where she continues to watch the youtubers’ videos. Grace comes into contact with someone using the username 'MissAnonymous13' and they begin talking. Grace confides in her and she suddenly realizes that to gain popularity and recognition from the youtubers she must create her own channel and post videos of homemade pranks. Grace uses inspiration from her favorite videos and plays them on the people in her family.

Episode three

After posting a total of six videos on her channel, Grace is disappointed to discover that she has received no likes or subscribers. She stumbles into college however to find that Leonie, the ring leader of the bullies, has discovered her videos and has showed them to the other students. Instead of finding them amusing, like Grace had hoped, the teenagers mock and tease her saying she will ‘never be good enough to make a career on the internet.’ This crushes Graces confidence so she removed all the videos off her account. She logs onto her laptop to update her online friend who tells her the story that a victim of bulling decided to post revealing and embarrassing pictures of the bullies onto an anonymous website to seek revenge. Grace creates a list of seven people that have victimized her and she plans to locate where they live.

Episode 4

Grace informs her parents she is staying behind late at college for a couple of nights a week to catch up on some work. However, Grace follows some of the bullies home and takes photographs of their houses and themselves. She messages each of them individually telling them they have committed a crime and she is going to punish them. She tells the students personal things about themselves such as what they were wearing that day or what they were having for lunch. Grace also claims if they tell anyone about the messages their most personal secrets will be spread around the college. Each of the students begin to feel sick with worry not knowing who the stalker is. Meanwhile, Grace feels satisfied knowing that the bulling has stopped as each of the girls feel exposed.

Episode 5

Despite the bulling having stopped, Grace longs for the recognition from the youtubers. She feels that her own home made pranks simply wont gain the wanted response so she decides to take things further by pranking her classmates. Grace firstly starts by sticking chewing gum onto the seats where her victims sit. Grace edits photos of the seven people using Photoshop to embarrass them and things gradually escalate as she posts the childish pranks onto the anonymous website. In this episode Grace becomes obsessed with seeking revenge that she texts Leonie, pretending to be someone else, asking her to meet the next day in the woods a short walk from college.

Episode 6

Leonie doesn't suspect anything unusual and agrees to meet up with Niall, her former classmate that left college last year. It reaches seven o'clock and Leonie is recorded waiting around in the woods - by this time it is dark as it is reaching the end of October. Grace is wearing all black and her face is covered with a scarf, she takes out the knife and stabs her victim from behind. Leonie collapses to the floor and Grace is filmed laughing, the footage is later posted online after Grace quickly sprints off leaving Leonie struggling to breathe on the floor. 

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