Monday 30 November 2015

Focus Group Q/A

1) How do you feel about the overall script and why?

2) What are your first impressions of James and Grace's friendship?

3) How do you feel about MissAnonymous13? How could this character be improved?

4) Do you think Grace should have taken MissAnonymous13's advice and agreed to set up a fake account? Explain your reasons.

5) Suggest ways in which the script could be improved.

Above are the five questions I asked five people who have read my 2nd draft script. Each of the five people I asked said that they felt positively about the script and the storyline is relatively easy to follow and therefore more accessible for a range of audiences. As well as this, several people also commented on how the script is interesting and relatable as this TV series addresses common issues (such as online communication and isolation) which my target audience are familiar with.

One of the people who I interviewed felt that Grace and James’s friendship is strained. On the second question, this person said the two characters feel as if they are only friends as they share a social problem – loneliness. The general response to this question was that James seems to be insecure and jealous but we can assume this is because he is very caring and protective towards Grace. They also commented on how this is a snapshot of their friendship and therefore the audience do not see the two characters interacting in a positive way.

Each of the five people said that the character MissAnonymous13 appears sinister and was described as ‘psycho.’ This is the response I wanted as this character is designed to have evil traits. One person said that to improve this character their identity should be hinted at but not revealed: this would make the audience come up with theories and have their own perspective. It was also agreed that MissAnonymous13’s identity should be foreshadowed and perhaps have a twist which would be revealed in the final episode. It was suggested that the audience should be made to feel MissAnonymous13 is a particular character when in fact it turns out to be somebody unexpected.

The overall response for question four is Grace should not have agreed to set up the fake account. We know that MissAnonymous13 is dangerous as she encourages Grace to act out of character and seek revenge. The people who I interviewed said that this character appears uninterested in Grace’s personal life and more concerned with manipulating Grace. There was also comments made that Grace appears oblivious to MissAnonymous13’s scheming which is my aim.

Question five asked people how could my script be improved: the feedback I received related to the layout. Firstly, it was said that it is difficult to differentiate between spoken dialogue and written dialogue (when Grace and MissAnonymous13 are typing.) To improve the font should be changed so this would become clearer. As well as this, when the characters are talking on the internet the dialogue should be shorter as this would make the script more realistic. Another improvement which was suggested was that there should be multiple storylines by adding more characters and locations – this would again make the script more realistic.

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