Tuesday 17 November 2015

First Draft Of Script

(The two characters, Grace and James, are sat in Costa after just finishing college for the day)
Grace: She’s awesome.
(Graces places her phone on the table and turns to face James, smiling.)
James: You talking to her again? (He becomes frustrated) You have absolutely no idea who she is, that’s even if she is a she.
Grace: Why do you get so angry about this? She’s the only person who understands me. Listens to me.
James: So I don’t listen to you? It’s dangerous speaking to someone online. Anything could happen.
(Graces stands up, swinging her bag around her shoulders and snatches her phone off the table)
Grace: I’m sick of you getting involved! You don’t know me like she does, you don’t know what it’s like for me to have to come here – everyday. It’s like living in hell.
(James faces the floor considering how badly the bullying is)
Grace: It’s alright for you. You’ve never had to put up with the things I have.
James: I know you’re having a hard time (pauses) but I don’t like the sound of this person. MissAnonymous13? You don’t even know if it’s a real person.
(She moves towards him, sitting down beside James)
Grace: You’re jealous, aren’t you?
James: Jealous?! (He becomes defensive) Jealous of you speaking to someone online? Erm… no. It’s not like you’ve got many friends to choose from anyway, I’m doing you a favour…
Grace: Excuse me? (She stands up again)
James: Being friends with you is a nightmare. All you do is cry and moan and cry again. You never listen to how I feel and I’m sick of defending you all the time. Run back to your new best friend. (His eyes begin to fill with tears)
Grace: I can’t believe you.
(Grace storms off, a pained expression stretches across her face. She walks to the bus stop and begins her journey home. She reaches home in the next fifteen minutes and rushes to her room. Grace logs onto her laptop and receives a message from Miss Anonymous13.)


Miss Anonymous13: Hey girl. What’s up?

Grace: Hey. God im so glad to be speaking to you. I've had the day from hell and my so called ‘best friend’ sees me as some sort of inconvenience.

MissAnonymous13: Who, that looser James?

Grace: *hesitantly* Yes, he’s jealous because I’ve finally found someone else who I can relate too which isn’t him. He was so cruel to me and some of the stuff he said – well, I've never seen him like that.

MissAnonymous13: Sounds like you don’t need him, obviously not the person you thought he was. Anyway, so how are you really?

Grace: Well, same old really.  Did I tell you about Leonie and her gang? It’s just getting worse, everyday it’s something new for them to pick on me for. I can’t cope with it much longer and now James doesn’t wanna’ know.

MissAnonymous13: Those bitches. Hey, haven’t you ever heard of the story where this girl is bullied and she takes matters into her own hands? I read it in a book, watched it in a movie something like that. You like YouTube right?

Grace: Yeah, guess so.

MissAnonymous13: Great! I have the perfect idea. Only yesterday you was saying how your number 1 dream is to become an internet sensation, yes?

(Grace is intrigued and leans closer towards her laptop)

MissAnonymous13: Do you know how many subscribers PRANK VS. PRANK have? Millions! You could do it! Become famous and teach them all a lesson in the meantime.

Grace: I could do pranks? But I wouldn’t know where to start – I'm not even funny. You mean things like put gum on their seat?

MissAnonymous13: No looser. That’s amateur. I mean something insane! Like I was saying before, you have to be smart. Do something they won’t expect, something nobody will expect.

Grace: Ok, like what?

MissAnonymous13: How about if you was to find out where they lived?

Grace: How? Even if I did what difference would it make?

MissAnonymous13: You need to go when its dark. Really dark. Take photographs of their houses or even when their walking home. Tell them you're coming for them.

Grace: Are you crazy? They'd kill me. They'd come into college and make things worse than they already are.

MissAnonymous13: No, silly. They wont know its you! All you have to do is create a fake account and post them on there. Call yourself 'prettyyoung13' or something?

Grace: Hmm, I'm not sure.

MissAnonymous13: C'mon it's a great idea. You HAVE too. If you don't do something now it will only get worse, maybe they'll start hurting other people in the same way they hurt you. You don't want that do you?

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